Update: Ottawa Ward Boundary Review 2020

We received the following update by email and since it impacts our village, we are sharing with you. We highlighted in green the most important points.

We encourage you to review the options and send your opinion to the city.


Good afternoon,

As you may be aware, I am one of the consultants for the Ottawa Ward Boundary Review 2020, which has been tasked with establishing new ward boundaries for the City of Ottawa to use in the next three or four municipal elections. You are receiving this email because you signed up for project updates or are identified as a key stakeholder.

This email includes updates and information regarding:

Round 2 Public Consultation

Round 2 public consultation ran from August 19, 2020 to September 25, 2020. During this phase, we engaged with residents and stakeholders and collected feedback on the six options outlined in the Options Report and the Supplementary Report. All Members of Council, including the new Ward 19 – Cumberland Councillor, were consulted. We also held additional meetings with some Members, particularly those in more impacted wards.

As gathering restrictions continued due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public consultation meetings were conducted virtually through Zoom. Six public meetings and three stakeholder meetings were held, which included representatives from community associations, business improvement areas, school boards and advocacy groups.

Residents and stakeholders were also encouraged to complete a survey available through ottawa.ca or, for those with limited or no access to a computer, by requesting a paper copy.

In total, 2,150 surveys, 238 submissions and comments by email and telephone, and 16 Guest Book entries were submitted during Round 2, and 137 individuals and stakeholder groups participated in the public and stakeholder meetings. More details on the Round 2 public consultation process can be found in the Recommended Ward Boundaries – Final Report, which is described below in more detail.

Release of the Recommended Ward Boundaries – Final Report

The Final Report was released today on the City’s website and its recommendations are based on the following:

  • The feedback on the six options for realigning Ottawa’s wards;
  • Identification of a ‘preferred option’;
  • Balancing the various components of “effective representation”; and
  • Previous Court and Tribunal decisions

The Final Report will be considered by the Finance and Economic Development Committee (FEDC) and City Council during their December 1, 2020 and December 9, 2020 meetings, respectively. The report recommends a new ward boundary structure of 24 wards, with 12 urban wards, nine suburban wards and three rural wards.

A new interactive geoOttawa mapping feature has been created so you can view how the recommended structure would affect you. PDF maps for each of the 24 wards are also available.

If you would like to send a written submission to FEDC regarding the Final Report, or register to speak about the report at the meeting of December 1, 2020, please contact Carole Legault, Committee Coordinator, at CaroleA.Legault@Ottawa.ca or by calling 613-580-2424 ext. 28934. You must register to speak by no later than 9:00 am on Tuesday, December 1, 2020. Presentations to the Committee are limited to five minutes and will be made through the virtual meeting platform, Zoom. To ensure timely receipt and distribution of written comments to Members of Council, communications regarding the report should be sent no later than 4:00 pm on Monday, November 30, 2020.

Thank you for your interest in this project.

Best regards,

Beate Bowron, Project Manager, Ottawa Ward Boundary Review 2020