Winter Carnival

If weather doesn’t co-operate for outdoor activities, we will still meet for the community dinner and pub night.
Curling tournament: No need to pre-register. Form a team of 4 or sign up as an individual and we will form a team for you. 5$ per person to play.

Chili and desert contest: Bring your favourite family recipes to win bragging rights for a year! For chili makers, we recommend bringing a crockpot so everything stays warm.

Pub night: BYOB. We will provide music and games but feel free to bring your own too!

Calendar of Events 2023

Add these activities to your calendar!

  • January 28: Carnaval
  • February 18: Valentine’s Day Gourmet Dinner with Chef Eric Rochon – Ticket prices and menu to come
  • April 5: Sarsfield Community Association Annual General Meeting
  • May 13: Spring Clean-Up
  • June 24: Family Day
  • October 29: Halloween
  • November 26: Food Drive
  • December 8: Volunteer Recognition Night

More details to come closer to the activities. Please check the Sarsfield Community Association’s Facebook page for updates.

Get involved! The Sarsfield Community Association is a dynamic group that enjoys making Sarsfield a great place to live. The Association is always looking for new members and volunteers.

Members of the association meet the first Thursday of each month at the Sarsfield Community Center at 8:00 pm. As a Sarsfield resident, you are always welcome.