City of Ottawa
- Vision Statement Sarsfield
- Neighbourhood Study
- Garbage and Recycling Calendar
- Service Ottawa

- Elementary french catholic (M-8): St-Guillaume - Elementary french catholic: La Découverte - Elementary french public: Des Sentiers - Secondary french catholic (7-12): Beatrice Desloges - Secondary french public: Gisele Lalonde English - Elementary english catholic: St Theresa - Secondary english Catholic: St Peter - Elementary english public: Heritage (Navan) - Secondary english public: Cairine Wilson
Canada Post
- Navan Post Office
- The community mailbox is located in the parking lot of Midori (2950 Colonial road)

Elected Officials
- Municipal: Catherine Kitts
- Provincial: Stephane Sarrazin
- Federal: Francis Drouin

Emergency Contacts
- 9-1-1
- Crime Stoppers
- Ottawa Police

Social Services
- Provincial: 2-1-1
- Municipal: 3-1-1
- Orleans Cumberland Community Resource Centre
- Community Information Centre of Ottawa

Our Neighbours
- Carlsbad Springs
- Vars
- Navan
- Cumberland